Traffickers use a multitude of tactics including luring victims into fraudulent work arrangements through false or substantial misrepresentation of jobs, legitimacy of employment or hiring authority; manipulating debt bondage through illegal recruiting or other fees; confiscating or manipulating legal documents; threatening a victim with various forms of harm, including harm from the legal system such as deportation or arrest of the victim or the victim’s family; and particularly in the case of migrant workers in remote or isolated locations, leveraging employer control over housing, transportation, access to communication and even access to food. Check out the graphic below created by FLAP!
NHTAM 2020This year in observance of National Human Trafficking Awareness Month, the Task Force planned a Social Media Takeover. Members of each subcommittee of the Task Force worked hard to create educational content about human trafficking related to their different areas of experience and expertise. You can find all of the posts on this page! ArchivesCategories |