While many are aware of child labor abroad, child labor trafficking in the U.S. has not been as publicized. Recognizing this, our Labor Trafficking Subcommittee dedicated to better understanding labor trafficking of minors this year by focusing on various activities including conducting research into the issue and facilitating presentations by subject matter experts and state and federal agencies with oversight in this area.
This year in an August press release, the Department of Justice announced a labor trafficking conspiracy charge alleging that two undocumented West African teenagers were forced to work in the Chicago suburbs. Read about the case here: https://www.justice.gov/usao-ndil/pr/three-family-members-charged-child-labor-trafficking-conspiracy-chicago-suburbs
Just two months later in an October press release, the Department charged an Aurora couple with child labor trafficking for allegedly forcing an undocumented Guatemalan teenager to work and keeping her earnings. Read about this case here: https://www.justice.gov/usao-ndil/pr/aurora-residents-charged-child-labor-trafficking
This year in an August press release, the Department of Justice announced a labor trafficking conspiracy charge alleging that two undocumented West African teenagers were forced to work in the Chicago suburbs. Read about the case here: https://www.justice.gov/usao-ndil/pr/three-family-members-charged-child-labor-trafficking-conspiracy-chicago-suburbs
Just two months later in an October press release, the Department charged an Aurora couple with child labor trafficking for allegedly forcing an undocumented Guatemalan teenager to work and keeping her earnings. Read about this case here: https://www.justice.gov/usao-ndil/pr/aurora-residents-charged-child-labor-trafficking