In 2020, the Victim Services Subcommittee continued to strengthen local service providers ability to meet the needs of vulnerable populations and survivors.
Throughout the year, the subcommittee also:
- provided input to the police board on qualities important to look for in a new police chief, emphasizing knowledge of human trafficking and highlighting ways to improve law enforcement response to and interaction with victims
- hosted a listening session with DHS for agencies to ask questions about the VTTC program, benefits in general, and other issues related to their clients receiving DHS services
- provided an information session about how DV and HT victims can access housing via the Coordinated Entry System
Throughout the year, the subcommittee also:
- provided input to the police board on qualities important to look for in a new police chief, emphasizing knowledge of human trafficking and highlighting ways to improve law enforcement response to and interaction with victims
- hosted a listening session with DHS for agencies to ask questions about the VTTC program, benefits in general, and other issues related to their clients receiving DHS services
- provided an information session about how DV and HT victims can access housing via the Coordinated Entry System